Friday, February 17, 2017

Important Issue for Veterans' Education Benefits

The Oklahoma State Accrediting Agency

Okay, this is not my normal post. Please take the time to read it and share with anyone who might be interested in veterans' education. Especially share it with your state legislator!

I served as a veteran representative on the board of the State Accrediting Agency for over 20 years. This is a small state agency that is 100% federally funded. The function of the SAA is as follows:

"The Oklahoma State Accrediting Agency (SAA) is the approval authority in the State of Oklahoma of programs of education and training for those enrolled in school and job training programs under the G.I. Bill."

Beyond this, the SAA functions to ensure that the education funding provided to veterans is only available for use at high quality educational entities.

Currently there is, in effect, an attempt at a hostile takeover of the SAA by another state agency. If successful, this takeover has the potential to have a significant negative impact on the delivery of education benefits of our veterans.

Please read the following for a detailed explanation prepared by the Director of the SAA. Please share this link with others.

Thank you,


To Whom It May Concern:


The purpose of this message is to ask your support of legislation (HB 1992) regarding the Oklahoma State Accrediting Agency (SAA) and to advise you of conflicting legislation (SB 232) that could be detrimental to Oklahoma's veterans using educational benefits.
For 64 years, through sunset legislation, SAA has served as the state education approving agency for veterans to use their Gl Bill@ Benefits. Last week, the Honorable John Paul Jordan introduced HB 1992 to recreate the SAA until 2021. Please consider the following SAA facts:
  • SAA is an education approving agency that has operated independently with an education and veteran member board since 1953.
  • SAA's mission is to promote and safeguard quality education and training and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse in the administration of the education Gl Bill@.
  • SAA is 100 percent funded by federal dollars through a reimbursement contract.
  • SAA's actions result in education payment benefits of almost $45 million annually to Oklahoma's veterans and beneficiaries institutions through the Gl Bill@.
  • SAA has annually received the highest rating by Education VA for successful operations. It has never received less than the highest rating.
  • SAA is governed by a five-member board. Three board members are from the education sector including the Oklahoma Department of Education, Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education, and the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and two are honorably discharged veterans.
  • SAA oversees almost 300 education and training facilities including public and private higher education, state technology centers, private vocational schools, and on-the-job training and apprenticeships.
  • SAA is part of a national organization that includes 55 State Approving Agencies that have oversight of education and training facilities to ensure quality education and training for veterans and beneficiaries.
It is important to note that there is conflicting legislation to HB 1992 that will negatively impact veterans utilizing Gl Bill@ benefits. SB 232 was introduced to move the SAA to the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs (ODVA). While the two agencies serve veterans, SAA is responsible for enforcing federal education laws and approving educational and training facilities in Oklahoma. ODVA has jurisdiction over health benefits and nursing facilities. Concerns are noted below:
  • Over 11,000 Veterans use their educational benefits in Oklahoma. If SAA is unable to perform its functions independently and effectively, veterans may be harmed.
  • It is uncertain the benefits that would be gained; however, removal from its current education focused governing status could be detrimental and highly disruptive — thus, negatively impacting veterans and beneficiaries.
  • SAA currently navigates complex education policy issues at the local, state, federal, and national levels. If unable to function independently, it cannot function effectively — thus, negatively impacting veterans and beneficiaries by delaying payments.
Confusing information about SAA has been circulated regarding cost savings and other factors related to the proposed change. Therefore, information and arguments for keeping the agencies separate, but closely related include the following:
  • No cost savings will be realized by consolidating SAA with ODVA. SAA pays its way through a reimbursable contract with the Education Department of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • SAA is scheduled to move to the Veterans Building when construction is complete and will rent space in the same building as ODVA. Cohabitating together, but functioning independently serves veterans more effectively.
  • SAA works daily with ODVA in the operations areas (payroll, purchasing, and travel). This does not negatively impact veterans, but serves the state efficiently.
  • SAA funds allocated through the federal contract with the. Education Services United States Department of Veterans Affairs cannot be used for any other state function — only the work negotiated in the contract with Education Services.
SAA is committed to working with ODVA to ensure excellent service to Oklahoma veterans. Working together, but operating independently is the best way to serve Oklahoma's veterans.
Thank you for your consideration. We need your support to reauthorize the SAA (HB 1992) and to eliminate SB 232.
My cell number is (405) 642-4448 and email address is if you have questions or need additional information.