Monday, March 13, 2017

Protect the OK State Accrediting Agency

Oklahoma State Accrediting Agency

This is a follow-up to an article I posted last month regarding the Oklahoma State Accrediting agency. The intent of this article is to encourage support for legislation (HB 1992) regarding the governance of Oklahoma State Accrediting Agency (SAA) and to request that you take action regarding conflicting legislation (SB 232) that could be detrimental to Oklahoma’s veterans using educational benefits. 

"The Oklahoma State Accrediting Agency (SAA) is the approval authority in the State of Oklahoma of programs of education and training for those enrolled in school and job training programs under the G.I. Bill."

If you are a legislator, please consider the following when these bills come to the floor for a vote. If you are not a legislator, please share this information with your representatives.


        YEARS OF SERVICE: SAA has successfully protected GI Bill® Benefits for Oklahoma veterans and beneficiaries since 1953 (64 years). HB 1992 enables SAA to continue operations through sunset legislation. SAA received the highest grade possible for effective contract operations.  

        FUNDING: SAA is a federally funded state agency (all states have an SAA) that represents Oklahoma’s interests. Funds are allocated by the Education Department of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

        GOVERNANCE.  Board members include: two governor-appointed honorably discharged Veterans, the Oklahoma Department of Education (K-12), Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology

Education (career postsecondary education), and the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (collegiate). 

        BENEFITS TO OKLAHOMA:  In addition to protecting the GI Bill® for Oklahoma’s veterans - SAA’s actions result in education GI Bill benefit payments of almost $45 million annually.  

SB 232 CONCERNS - SB 232 was introduced to move the SAA to the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs (ODVA). ODVA is responsible for Veteran Nursing Centers. SAA’s work involves federal education GI Bill® Benefits. Combining the two agencies gains no discernable efficiencies or benefits and may result in the following:

        DISRUPTION:  Removal of SAA from its current education focused governing status could be detrimental and highly disruptive – thus, negatively impacting veterans and beneficiaries, educational institutions and employers.

        INTERUPTION:  Over 11,000 Veterans use their educational benefits in Oklahoma generating millions of dollars into the Oklahoma economy (again, $45 million). If SAA loses the federal contract, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs will act as Oklahoma’s SAA. 

        INTERFERANCE: SAA navigates complex regulatory and policy issues at the local, state, federal, and national levels. If unable to function independently with its current board, it cannot function effectively – thus, negatively impacting veterans and beneficiaries by delaying payments.

SB 232 MYTHS AND FACTS - Misleading information about SAA has been circulated regarding cost savings and other factors related to SB 232.  

        NO COST SAVINGS: There is no cost savings achieved by moving SAA to VA.  

        GI BILL® FUNDS LOST OR UNUSED: SAA does not control the amount of GI BILL® funds coming to Oklahoma – veterans and beneficiaries do.

        FUNDS FOR SAA USE ONLY. SAA funds are allocated through a reimbursement contract with the Education Services United States Department of Veterans Affairs and cannot be used for any other state function.

        CHANGE UNNECESSARY:  SB 232 will have a negative impact on SAA’s ability to function.

Additionally, it is unclear what it accomplishes. It is an unnecessary change for the following reasons. ü There is no discernible benefit for this change, outcomes could be detrimental.  

ü  SAA is already committed to working with ODVA on Veteran’s education issues and does so regularly.

ü  SAA is moving to the Veterans Building when construction is complete and will rent space in the same building as ODVA. Cohabitating together, but functioning independently serves Oklahoma veterans more effectively.

ü  SAA works daily with ODVA in the operations areas (payroll, purchasing, and travel). This does not negatively impact veterans, but serves the state efficiently.

Working together, but operating independently is the best way for SAA and ODVA to serve Oklahoma’s veterans. Please support HB 1992 to reauthorize the agency and governance structure of the Oklahoma State Accrediting Agency (SAA) veterans utilizing GI Bill® benefits and contact your state representative and senator regarding concerns about SB 232.

I served as a veteran representative (retired USCG officer) on the board of the State Accrediting Agency for over 20 years and firmly believe that the interests of our veteran population are best served by an independent State Accrediting Agency. I am available to discuss these issues at your convenience if you have any questions. Additionally, I have visited extensively with the Director of the SAA, Ms. Gina Wekke, about the future of the agency. She is available for additional information at 405-642-4448 or by email at