Monday, August 15, 2011

An Introduction

I am a professor of marketing, assistant dean and director of assessment in the College of Business at the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond, OK. I've been wanting to start a blog for some time. I want to write about marketing. The problem is, I want to write about a lot of other things as well. It strikes me that the target markets for what I want to write about is somewhat disparate. The only solution I could come up with is - two blogs.

Not being very clever I gave them simple names.

There is this blog: drcamey on everything and its companion blog: drcamey on marketing.

You see, I love marketing and love sharing what little I know about marketing theory and best practices; however, I came to the academic world after a career in the U.S. Coast Guard. I have lived and worked all over the world from the island of Con Son to the island of Iceland. I like to think I am not an ivory tower academic. Rather, my life experiences have broadened my interests to the extent I am interested in and have opinions on many topics.

This blog will be a bit unfocused. I plan to write about whatever strikes my interest. It may include politics, social issues, whatever I come across on the web, fun things, college get the idea. If you want a taste of my other interests - marketing and marketing education issues, visit drcamey on marketing.

I look forward to your comments. Engage me. Challenge me (and yourself). Make this fun.

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