Tuesday, October 24, 2017

My Coffee Odyssey - The Last Drop

The Last Drop

What would you pay for a great cup of coffee? You are in luck! That is exactly what it costs at The last Drop.

Coffee Bar

This windy fall day blew #MyCoffeeOdyssey into The Last Drop. This is my second opportunity to enjoy this shop and I am becoming enamored of it. It occupies an old (and I do mean old) Howard Johnson’s building on North Lincoln. The owners, Stan and Fiona, have done a wonderful job of transforming it into a welcoming shop with a music centered décor. In fact, when I made my first visit with my friend Steve, Stan entertained us with an impromptu trumpet serenade. There is lots of room to relax, work alone or with colleagues, or just hang out a bit and enjoy the coffee. The Last Drop is absolutely a coffee shop and one I highly recommend.

Stan and Steve 

There is no brewed coffee just simmering away and waiting for your arrival. Every cup and drink are made to order. Today, mine is a nice mug of Americano with two shots. There is no question about where it lands on my scale. It is all the way on the Great end. How much did it cost? As little or as much as I chose to pay. That’s right. There are no prices at The Last Drop. Your cup is technically free, and you can pay what you want.  You may want to pay more after you taste it.

Lots of Room! 

As I mentioned, this is my second visit. It has not been very busy either time. The first time I met and visited with Stan. This time I had the pleasure of meeting Fiona and Emily who is just helping out for the day. The Last Drop operates as a nonprofit entity and supports several social programs. There are big plans. Stan is working to put together a house band to perform regularly. They are relatively new and still growing. In fact, next week The Last Drop is celebrating their one-year anniversary. Put it on your calendar (Details below). Now, would I meet you here for coffee? Yes, yes, yes! Please call me. I will definitely buy. After all, the price is right.

Put this on your calendar!!

Disclaimer: I am not a coffee connoisseur. I am just a guy who lies to drink coffee in coffee shops. I tend to think of my coffee in terms of Meh – Okay - Good – Great. Most coffee I drink is okay to good. It has to make an effort to get to Great or Meh. These are just my opinions. Take or ignore them as you wish. Read more about #MyCoffeeOdyssey at "How this all began."

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