Friday, December 8, 2017

My Coffee Odyssey - Starbucks 104th and May, SOKC

Starbucks - 104th & May, SOKC

Friday afternoon, 8 Dec 2017

I have been somewhat dismissive of Starbucks in several earlier posts. Now, here I am. This is a brand-new Starbucks in South OKC on the corner of 104th Street and May Avenue. It is (almost) within walking distance of my house so, I felt the need to at least stop in and take a look. Well, it is a Starbucks. It looks pretty much like every other Starbucks you have ever wandered into. To get right to the point, is this Starbucks a coffee shop? Sadly, I think not. It is not a bad place to drop in for a coffee or other drink. It doesn’t have an extensive menu so there are not a lot people dining. There are a surprising number of people (like me) trying to work. The playlist is good as always – music you probably do not listen to all the time. Unfortunately, the acoustics are such that one can hear pretty much every conversation taking place. Add to that the nice people dragging little people with them who are crying for another cake pop. It does not seem a place to get serious reading or studying accomplished. So, no, this Starbucks does not meet MY coffee shop criteria.

The Coffee Bar

I have fallen into the perhaps bad habit of drinking what is brewed. So, you know in Starbucks that will almost always be Pike Place. It is $2.00 for a tall and comes with refills. On my amateur rating scale my cup of Pike is solidly GOOD.

Seating is Good
 I do have good things to say about my local Starbucks. It is close and convenient. It has a fair amount of seating and plenty of tables for one or two. There is one round table for a group of four or five. A positive for any Starbucks is that you can be confident of what they have when you walk in the door and you can be pretty sure it will be satisfactory. Now, a word for the hardcore haters who make snide remarks about how expensive their Starbucks experience has been. If you would drink coffee instead of those fufu drinks full of milk, sugar, God knows what else you would find Starbucks coffee to be as nicely priced as any of their competitors.  

Would I meet you here for coffee and conversation? Shucks, I’d probably meet you anywhere for coffee and convo but here definitely. Hey, it’s right down the street! 

Disclaimer: I am not a coffee connoisseur. I am just a guy who lies to drink coffee in coffee shops. I tend to think of my coffee in terms of Meh – Okay - Good – Great. Most coffee I drink is okay to good. It has to make an effort to get to Great or Meh. These are just my opinions. Take or ignore them as you wish. Read more about #MyCoffeeOdyssey at "How this all began."