Tuesday, October 10, 2017

My Coffee Odyssey - Ellis Island Coffee & Wine Lounge


Ellis Island Coffee & Wine Lounge is a great find in downtown Edmond, Oklahoma. I had to come to Edmond this afternoon and coffee at Ellis Island is the bonus prize! The shop is fairly new. It looks new. It feels new, upscale, and sophisticated. However, it is inviting and feels like an easy place to hang for a bit. There are not a lot of people here right now but the mix is exactly what I might have expected: a few business people working, a couple of students studying, some friends having coffee and a chat. There are enough couches and chairs to get comfortable and plenty of tables where you can sit, snack, and do some work on the laptop. There is a nice selection of muffins, etc. to go with your coffee. There is also gelato and a small selection of sandwiches. By my narrow definition, the food selection is getting close to the edge but it seems appropriate for this venue. So, yes, this is a coffee shop and downtown Edmond is lucky to have them here!

Inside Ellis Island

My coffee was a medium roast with the big flavor of a dark roast. I liked it a lot and would put it on the Great end of my amateur scale. The price is about right for brewed coffee. It is $3.25 per cup but…unlimited refills delivered to your table. My barista today was Gabby who did a great job. I also had the opportunity to visit with the owner, Murod. He has a wonderful story to tell about the name. Ask him to share it with you when you come in.

Murod & Gabby 

Now the kicker. Ellis Island is not just a coffee shop. It is also a wine lounge. While it is never too early for a glass of wine, the visit today is strictly coffee. The posted wine list is not extensive but has labels you will recognize at prices that are good by either the glass or the bottle. It would be a super place to stop in with friends after work. So, we have established that Ellis Island is definitely a wine shop. It is also an attractive wine lounge in a good location. Would I meet you here for coffee? Yes, I would. Just give me a call. What about wine? Would I meet you for a glass of wine? Do you know me? Then you know the answer to that question is a solid yes!  

Disclaimer: I am not a coffee connoisseur. I am just a guy who lies to drink coffee in coffee shops. I tend to think of my coffee in terms of Meh – Okay - Good – Great. Most coffee I drink is okay to good. It has to make an effort to get to Great or Meh. These are just my opinions. Take or ignore them as you wish. Read more about #MyCoffeeOdyssey at "How this all began."

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